Commercial washrooms - why workplace facilities are vital to attracting and keeping talent

Forget fancy perks and free lunches, the secret to attracting and keeping top talent might be hiding in plain sight. Yes, we're talking about your washroom. A recent study by Cannon Hygiene International found a staggering 86% of customers wouldn't return to a place with a dirty or unhygienic washroom. Think about it: if they feel that strongly, your employees likely do too.

Good washroom design isn't just about aesthetics, it's about your bottom line. Here's how:

Healthy & happy employees

Fewer sick days: germs thrive in dingy washrooms, leading to more employee absences and higher healthcare costs. Invest in hygienic surfaces, touchless fixtures, and regular cleaning to keep the wellness bug at bay.

Boosted morale: a clean, modern washroom shows you care about your employees' well-being. This translates to happier, more motivated workers who feel valued and invested in.

Productive powerhouse

Uninterrupted workflow: no one wants to spend valuable work time battling broken locks or malfunctioning dispensers. Streamlined design and reliable fixtures keep things flowing smoothly, literally.

Increased focus: a grim washroom is a major distraction. A pleasant, well-maintained space allows employees to return to their tasks refreshed and ready to tackle whatever comes their way.

First impressions that last

Customer magnet: your washroom is often the last impression a client gets. Make it a good one and watch those loyalty points rise. 99% of people associate an unhygienic washroom with a bad overall company image. Don't let that be your legacy.

Talent magnet: in today's competitive job market, even small details matter. A modern, well-equipped washroom tells potential employees you prioritise comfort and care for your people, making your company a more attractive place to work.

Investing in your washroom is an investment in your future. It's about building a healthy, productive, and attractive workplace that keeps employees happy and clients coming back for more.

Want to improve your staff or visitor washrooms? Focus Washrooms can help. We specialise in refurbishing washrooms, changing rooms, showers and toilets that fit your budget and needs. Contact us today and let's turn your washroom into a fresh, new space for your people and your business.


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